I'm developing an Android app that uses a database, every time that the user insert a new register the current data and time is save in the db using
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
So, When I retrieve the data from the db, got a String like this:
The problem comes when I try convert that String using SimpleDateFormat.parse to display it in a RecyclerView, I get always the same date: 09/04/2017.
This is the code in my RecViewAdapter.java:
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder,int position){
String s,d,p,f;
s = items.getString(ConsultaTomas.SISTOLICA);
d = items.getString(ConsultaTomas.DIASTOLICA);
p = items.getString(ConsultaTomas.PULSO);
f = items.getString(ConsultaTomas.FECHA);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
try {
}catch (ParseException e){
Log.d("PARSINGFECHA","Error al parcear fecha");
The other data is showed correctly in the RecView and the Calendar String are all diferent, so there is not the same date/hour in these strings. So, the question is:
How can I Convert Calendar.toString()
into date using SimpleDateFormat.parse()
This is the result running the app in a real device:
You need to modify the way you store the Calendar
, call getTime()
and format it as desired to begin with. For example,
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");