I come from a JavaScript background and I'm recently learning the server-side. I am under the impression that the controllers in the server-side is a 1 to many ratio in terms of interacting with the client side.
And I have this code for logging in:
@expose('/login/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def login_view(self):
if request.method == 'GET':
# Render template
if request.method == 'POST':
# Take email and password from form and check if
# user exists. If he does, log him in.
# Store user_id in session for socketio use
session['user_id'] = login.current_user.id
# Redirect
I understand that the session dictionary is like the localStorage counterpart of JavaScript, so does this mean that there is a unique controller for every unique client? because then multiple clients would overwrite the session.user_id if they shared the same controller right?
Session is created the state is maintained at the client side (in a cookie) after a user has been authenticated.
So when a user logs in, with a email and password, the server will identify (doing some checking with valid email and password stored in database). The server can now set the cookie with a token( and possible expiry time) in the response. After that, HTTP request from that particular client will have a token, which will be used by server to identify the user.
Basically, every session is maintained at client side and controller check for validity at the server side.