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How to return value from callback in Graphql resolve function?

How do I return the value from callback function and pass it to resolve function in Graphql?

Here's the dummy code to show the concept:

This function runs the sql query:

function runQuery(query, cb){
   var value = "Something";
   cb(null, value);

This takes the value from callback function pass it to resolve function in graphql:

function getTitle() {
   return runQuery("...", function(err, value){ 
             return value; 

Graphql schema:

var SampleType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Sample',
  fields: () => ({
    title: { type: GraphQLString },

query: new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'Query',
    fields: () => ({
      sample: {
        type: SampleType,
        resolve: () => getTitle(),


  • You can make use of promises and async to accomplish this.

    async function getTitle() {
      const queryResult = await runQuery("...");
      // ...
      // Do post-query stuff here that you currently have in your callback
      // ...
      return queryResult
    async function runQuery() {
      const value = 'something';
      // ...
      return value;

    Node fully supports async/await as of 7.10.0. Use TypeScript or Babel if you're in the browser or are locked into a lower version of node.