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Puppet: how to share a common resource / variable in modules

I am trying to use puppet to bootstrap a new VPS. I am going to be running multiple sites, and, at the moment I am planning on running them in separate user accounts. I want to have a common authorized key for all of these users. I am using puppet 4.10.

The issue I'm having is that I want to add my ssh key into the authorized_keys for all of these users, but I can't seem to work out how to have a common resource. I've tried adding it in a class and then including that, but it's a duplicate. I tried passing in a variable to the class, but again, duplicate.

Basically I have a module like this

class wibble_somesite {
  user { 'someuser':
    ensure         => 'present',
    managehome     => true,
    purge_ssh_keys => true,
    home => '/home/someuser',
    shell          =>  '/bin/bash'

  ssh_authorized_key { 'patrickmacbookair':
    ensure => present,
    user   => 'someuser',
    type   => 'ssh-rsa',
    key    => 'some_shared_key'

which I then include in my manifests/site.pp. However, I want to have multiples of these class wibble_someothersite and I want to centrally manage the some_shared_key inside the ssh_authorized_key stanza.

Any help would be appreciated. I have tried following the docs but I just haven't got anywhere.

I could just duplicate all the ssh_authorized_key calls, but that's obviously horrible.


  • You cannot have multiple instances of a class. However, you can with defined types.

    Your example can be :

    define wibble_somesite () {
      user { $title:
        ensure         => 'present',
        managehome     => true,
        purge_ssh_keys => true,
        home           => "/home/${title}",
        shell          =>  '/bin/bash'
      ssh_authorized_key { "${title}_patrickmacbookair":
        ensure => present,
        user   => $title,
        type   => 'ssh-rsa',
        key    => 'some_shared_key'

    And you can use it like this :


    It will create users 'patrick' and 'bob', and allow the shared key to connect.

    Is this what you are are looking for ?