Is it possible to use the FileObject::findFiles method or similar to search in ZIP files which are stored in a folder? Or do I have to open the zipfiles by myself?
FileObject root = vfs.resolveFile(file:///home/me/test/vfsdir);
// shows everything except the content of the zip
FileObject[] allFiles = root.findFiles(Selectors.SELECT_ALL);
// should contain only the three xmls
FileObject[] xmlFiles = root.findFiles(xmlSelector);
VFS Directory-Tree
/ (root)
/folderwithzips/ (Zipfile not a folder)
Sadly it's not possible to search through the content of zips in a VFS as if they were folders.
So I have to load every zip manually and execute my selector on the content.
This small method does the trick for me.
public static void main(String[] vargs) throws FileSystemException {
FileSystemManager manager = VFS.getManager();
FileObject root = manager.resolveFile("/home/me/test/vfsdir");
List<FileObject> files = findFiles(root, new XMLSelector());;
public static List<FileObject> findFiles(FileObject root,FileSelector fileSelector) throws FileSystemException {
List<FileObject> filesInDir = Arrays.asList(root.findFiles(fileSelector));
FileObject[] zipFiles = root.findFiles(new ZipSelector());
FileSystemManager manager = VFS.getManager();
List<FileObject> filesInZips = new ArrayList<>();
for (FileObject zip: zipFiles){
FileObject zipRoot = manager.createFileSystem(zip);
return Stream.concat(,;