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Unable to lookup resource on component level in Websphere

At the moment I'm working on an application that has to use a connection factory. When I lookup the connection factory directly on a global level by the name set in WAS everything is working fine, but for means of decoupling I want to define a resource reference in my application and lookup that name. So I created following entry in my application.xml:


What I do then inside my EJB is making following lookup:

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = 
(ConnectionFactory) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/connectionFactory");

This leads to this exception:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name comp/env/jms not found in context "java:".

I also tried it with:

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = 
(ConnectionFactory) ic.lookup("java:app/jms/connectionFactory");

leading to:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Context: BPMDev/applications/,
name: jms/connectionFactory: First component in name jms/connectionFactory not found.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!


  • Further investigations brought me to: Lookup jndi resources WebSphere 8.5, Spring 3.1.3, Hibernate 4.1.10 EJB 3

    There the answer is contained:

    Both the entry in the application.xml and the lookup have to be preceeded with java:app/env. For my case this is:



    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = 
    (ConnectionFactory) ic.lookup("java:app/env/jms/connectionFactory");