I am trying to do a program that searches for certain tags inside textfiles and see if there is text in between those tags. Example of tags below.
So i want to search for --<UsrDef_Mod_
and _Begin
or _End
I made these RegExp, but i get false on every single one.
if (Regex.Match(line, @"/--<UsrDef_Mod_.*_BeginMod>/g", RegexOptions.None).Success)
else if (Regex.Match(line, @"/--<UsrDef_Mod_.*_EndMod>/g", RegexOptions.None).Success)
So any help to find where im going wrong. I have used regexr.com to check my regexp and its getting a match there but not in C#.
The .NET library Regex doesn't understand the "/ /g"
Just remove it:
// Regex.Match(line, @"/--<UsrDef_Mod_.*_BeginMod>/g",
Regex.Match(line, @"--<UsrDef_Mod_.*_BeginMod>",