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What is a capture conversion in Java and can anyone give me examples?

I've noticed JLS talks of 5.1.10 Capture Conversion, but I fail to understand what they are.

Can anyone explain them to me/give examples?


  • Capture conversion was designed to make wildcards (in generics), ? useful.

    Suppose we have the following class:

    public interface Test<T> {
        public void shout(T whatever);
        public T repeatPreviousShout();

    and somewhere on our code we have,

    public static void instantTest(Test<?> test) {

    Because test is not a raw Test and since repeatPreviousShout() in "hindsight" returns a ?, the compiler knows that there's a T that serves as a type parameter for Test. This T is for some unknown T so the compiler erases the unknown type (for wildcard, it replaces with Object)., hence repeatPreviousShout() returns an Object.

    But if we had,

    public static void instantTest2(Test<?> test) {

    The compiler would give us an error of something like Test<capture#xxx of ?> cannot be applied (where xxx is a number, e.g. 337).

    This is because the compiler tries to do the type safety check on shout() but since it received a wildcard, it doesn't know what T represents, hence it creates a placeholder called capture of.

    From here (Java theory and practice: Going wild with generics, Part 1), it clearly states:

    Capture conversion is what allows the compiler to manufacture a placeholder type name for the captured wildcard, so that type inference can infer it to be that type.

    Hope this helps you.