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How to build some java files to one jar using gradle java-plugin?

I want to compile some java files to one jar file with gradle.
The goal is to add them to a jar and check the dependcies of the tests.
Maven should integrate the junit libary.
I also want to apply some kind of filter to test only the files with *
The build.gradle file is in the same directory as the src folder.

My file structure(folders or filenames cannot be changed):


After running gradle -b build.gradle jar I got the error message: Could not find the main method

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {
   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

sourceSets {
   main {
      conflicts {
         srcDir = 'src/eu/conflicts'
      utils {
         srcDir = 'src/eu/utils'

   test {
      conflicts {
         srcDir = 'src/eu/conflicts'

      utils {
         srcDir = 'src/eu/utils'

jar {
   baseName = 'xy'
   version = '0.1'
   manifest {
      attributes("Implementation-Title": "xy",
                 "Implementation-Version": 0.1)


  • Your source sets definition is incorrect. Java plugin only supports java and resources source types within a source set. Each source set can have an arbitrary name. If you name your source set main it will customise the one used by convention by the jar task. So:

    apply plugin: 'java'
    sourceSets {
      main {
        java {
          srcDir 'src'
          exclude '**/*'
      test {
        java {
          srcDir 'src'
          include '**/*'