What is the currect way to write it?
Scenario: Data tables
Given I have the following order
| vegetable | array | cost |
| cucumber | 1,2,3,4 | 10 |
| carrot | empty array | 6 |
| potato | 1,2,3 | 4 |
public class OrderItem {
private String vegetable;
private int[] array;
private int cost;
@Given("^I have another order$")
public void i_have_another_order(List<OrderItem> list) throws Throwable {
for (OrderItem orderItem : list) {
// do something with my OrderItem..
This is working fine. I have checked it. The code is
public class OrderItem {
private String vegetable;
private int[] array;
private int cost;
public void set(String veg,int[] arr,int cos){
public String getVeg(){
return this.vegetable;
@Given("^I have the following order$")
public void i_have_another_order(List<OrderItem> list) throws Throwable {
for (OrderItem orderItem : list) {
// do something with my OrderItem..