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MASM32 Process32FirstW not working

I've been trying to debug this code. My Process32First function just keep returning an invalid value. I don't know what's wrong with it. Can someone help me in this problem?

include \masm32\include\

  err db "Error!",0

  procData PROCESSENTRY32 <>
  procH HANDLE ?

  lea esi, procData

  push 0
  call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot

  mov procH, eax

  mov procData.dwSize, sizeof PROCESSENTRY32

  push offset procData
  push procH
  call Process32First

  .if eax == 0
    jmp _err

  jmp _end

  push offset err
  call StdOut

  push 0
  call ExitProcess
end start

This is my latest code.


  • You're calling Process32FirstW, the Unicode (wide character) version of Process32First. So you need a wide character version of PROCESSENTRY32, where TCHAR is defined as WORD. The of the MASM32 SDK doesn't have such a version, but the ANSI version (TCHAR => BYTE). As far as I can see you don't need the Unicode version. Remove the uppercase "W" from Process32FirstW.

    If you absolutely want to use the Unicode version, you have to declare a special "PROCESSENTRY32W" structure:

    include \masm32\include\
        dwSize              DWORD ?
        cntUsage            DWORD ?
        th32ProcessID       DWORD ?
        th32DefaultHeapID   DWORD ?
        th32ModuleID        DWORD ?
        cntThreads          DWORD ?
        th32ParentProcessID DWORD ?
        pcPriClassBase      DWORD ?
        dwFlags             DWORD ?
        szExeFile           dw MAX_PATH dup(?)
        err db "Error!",0
        procData PROCESSENTRY32W <>
        procH HANDLE ?
        lea esi, procData
        push 0
        push TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS
        call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
        mov procH, eax
        mov procData.dwSize, sizeof PROCESSENTRY32W
        push offset procData
        push procH
        call Process32FirstW
        .if eax == 0
            jmp _err
        printf ("%S\n", OFFSET procData.szExeFile)
        jmp _end
        push offset err
        call StdOut
        push 0
        call ExitProcess
    end start