I'd like to create a Spotfire button action control that does the following
First step was handled pretty easily (borrowed from here). For the second step, I was unsuccessful in my initial attempts to send to clipboard with script (e.g. as suggested here). I was partially successful in a followup attempt by sending ctrl-c programatically to spotfire (see spotfired.blogspot.co.id/2014/04/pressing-keys-programatically.html).
Here's the [mostly] functioning code:
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import IndexSet
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import RowSelection
#Get table reference
vc = vis.As[VisualContent]()
dataTable = vc.Data.DataTableReference
#Set marking
#Setup rows to select from rows to include
rowsToSelect = IndexSet(rowCount, True)
#Set marking
marking.SetSelection(RowSelection(rowsToSelect), dataTable)
#Script to send keystroke to Spotfire
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import SendKeys, Control, Keys
#Send keystroke for CTRL-C Copy-to-clipboard
SendKeys.Send("^c") #Ctrl+C
The code works as expected, except that I have to hit the button twice for the ctrl-c part of the script to work (i.e. hitting once results in marking all rows in the table visualization).
Another issue that I seemed to have resolved is that the originally suggested syntax to send the ctrl-c keystroke command was SendKeys.Send("(^+C)"). However, this didn't work, so I rewrote as SendKeys.Send("^c"), which does work, except only after I hit the button twice.
Any thoughts on how I could fix the issue of having hit the action control button twice? A workaround could be to avoid sending keystrokes with script and revisit my first attempt code the copy-to-clipboard functionality, but my Ironpython skills are a limiting factor here.
Using the same post as reference I used this code to use the windows clipboard
tempFolder = Path.GetTempPath()
tempFilename = Path.GetTempFileName()
tp = mytable.As[TablePlot]()
writer = StreamWriter(tempFilename)
f = open(tempFilename)
for line in f:
html += "\t".join(line.split("\t")).strip()
html += "\n"
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import Clipboard