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Fancytree JQuery - Get node children and sub children

I'm using Fancytree ( and I have this tree structure:

 |_ child1
      |_ subchild1
      |_ subchild2
            |_ subchild3
            |_ subchild4

If the the selected node is child1 I can get the first children using window.tree.activeNode.children or window.tree.activeNode.getChildren() but that only return [subchild1, subchild2]. There are anyway get all the children?

A method that return: [subchild1, subchild2, subchild3, subchild4] ?


  • You could use the visitfunction to generate a flat list:

    var activeNode = tree.getActiveNode(),
        nodes = [];
    activeNode.visit(function(node) {
        nodes.push(node);  // or node.key, ...

    (Note that there is also the node.toDict() method to generate a nested object instead.)