I am trying to transmit sensor data from an IoT device via CoAP using node-coap. The order of the data, as it arrives to the CoAP server, is important to me. I can not find a way to preserve the sequence of data, even when using the confirmable
request option.
I have a small program below that shows what I mean.
Can CoAP not be used if order/sequence of data is important? If it can, what am I doing wrong?
'use strict';
const coap = require('coap'),
cbor = require('cbor'),
server = coap.createServer();
const sequentialData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
let incomingData = [];
let numResponses = sequentialData.length;
server.on('request', (req, res) => {
const obj = cbor.decodeFirstSync(req.payload);
server.listen(() => {
const reqOpts = {
hostname: 'localhost',
method: 'POST',
pathname: '/sequential',
options: {
Accept: 'application/cbor'
sequentialData.forEach((item) => {
const req = coap.request(reqOpts);
data: item
.on('response', (res) => {
res.on('end', () => {
if (--numResponses === 0) {
console.log(`got data in this order`, incomingData);
Node Program above will output a different order each time ran.
It can't as long you are using UDP as transport.
As per RFC7252:
As CoAP is bound to unreliable transports such as UDP, CoAP messages may arrive out of order, appear duplicated, or go missing without notice. For this reason, CoAP implements a lightweight reliability mechanism, without trying to re-create the full feature set of a transport like TCP. It has the following features:
- Simple stop-and-wait retransmission reliability with exponential back-off for Confirmable messages.
- Duplicate detection for both Confirmable and Non-confirmable messages.
There are some efforts to make CoAP-over-HTTP in different implementations but it does not belong to CoAP RFC itself.
You may try to dig in this way if you absolutely forced to use CoAP.