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Weird error when compiling Common Lisp code

I am getting the following error trying to compile some code:

Lambda list of method # is incompatible with that of the generic function INITIALIZE-INSTANCE. Method's lambda-list : (PAT::E) Generic-function's : (CCL::INSTANCE &REST CCL::INITARGS &KEY &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS)

Here is the code causing the error:

(defclass event ()
    :initarg :timestamp
    :accessor timestamp)
    :initarg :value
    :accessor value)))

(defclass update (event)
    :initarg :sectype
    :accessor sectype)))

(defclass prc (update)
    :accessor lastp)
    :accessor lastv)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((e prc)) ; <- :(
  (setf (lastp e) (first (value e)))
  (when (second (value e))
    (setf (lastv e) (second (value e)))))

Any hints as to what might be causing the error would be really appreciated.


  • You need to add &key at the end of the argument list to your initialize-instance method.

    To quote from "Practical Common Lisp", chapter "17. Object Reorientation: Classes":

    The &key in the parameter list is required to keep the method's parameter list congruent with the generic function's--the parameter list specified for the INITIALIZE-INSTANCE generic function includes &key in order to allow individual methods to supply their own keyword parameters but doesn't require any particular ones. Thus, every method must specify &key even if it doesn't specify any &key parameters.