I have a problem with xcode build script, hope you can help.
In older Xcode this script works well but now after upgraded the xcode always failed.
configuration='Release' provision="haithngn_release.mobileprovision" identity="iPhone Distribution: HAITHNGN (TEAMID)"
sdk="iphoneos" scheme="Mobile" configuration=$1 version=$2 build=$3 output="$PWD/build/$scheme.$version.$build.$configuration.ipa" PLIST_PATH="./Mobile/Platforms/ios/Application/" PLIST_FILE="Info.plist" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $version" "$PLIST_PATH/$PLIST_FILE" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $version.$build" "$PLIST_PATH/$PLIST_FILE" echo "Cleaning up old build..." rm -Rf "$PWD/build/$configuration-$sdk" echo "Building $scheme, using $configuration configuration, provisioning = $provision" xcodebuild -sdk "$sdk" -scheme "$scheme" -configuration "$configuration" clean OBJROOT="$PWD/build" SYMROOT="$PWD/build" ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO xcodebuild -sdk "$sdk" -scheme "$scheme" -configuration "$configuration" OBJROOT="$PWD/build" SYMROOT="$PWD/build" ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="$identity" xcodebuild -exportArchive -sdk "$sdk" "$PWD/build/$configuration-$sdk/$scheme.app" "$PWD/build/$configuration-$sdk/$scheme.ipa" "$provision" cp "$PWD/build/$configuration-$sdk/$scheme.ipa" "$output"
Terminal Logs:
xcodebuild: error: The flag -exportPath is required when specifying -exportArchive. xcodebuild: error: The flag -exportOptionsPlist is required when specifying -exportArchive. xcodebuild: error: The flag -archivePath is required when specifying -exportArchive.
XCode version 8.3.2
Starting from Xcode 8.3, you should use xcodebuild -exportArchive
instead of xcrun
(see there) or apparently, just zipping the App works as well (see there).
Otherwise, you might want to use Fastlane Gym.