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Filtering with NSPredicate an Array of Array to see if It contains an Integer in Swift

Hi I am trying to learn a bit more about NSPredicate- and its quite tough as the resources are still based on ObjC. I would like a swift based answer if possible

Basically I am trying to use NSPredicate to see if the arrays below contain a "9" the code number for Male users. I thus want to filter the below people array and only keep arrays that contain the number 9.

var malePerson1:[Int] = [1,4,5,6,11,9]
var malePerson2:[Int] = [3,5,6,7,12,9]
var femalePerson3:[Int] = [3,5,6,7,12,10]

var people = [malePerson1, malePerson2, femalePerson3]

I have got the solution working fine using a filter (see below)

//Solution working with Filter
// male gender search
var result = people.filter{$0.contains(9)}
var resultFemale = people.filter{$0.contains(10)}

but how Do I do something similar using predicates?

Below doesn't work - resultMale just returns a blank array when it should contain the two arrays: [maleperson1, maleperson2]. I think the problem is that its checking if 9 is contained in the 'people' array instead of checking the contents of the contained arrays.

Any ideas how to do what I am doing using NSPredicate to filter the integers in the array?

let malePred = NSPredicate(format: "9 IN %@",people) 
//9 is the code for Male user
var resultMale = (people as NSArray).filtered(using: malePred)


  • You can use ANY to compare each nested array with NSPredicate.

    let malePred = NSPredicate(format: "ANY self == 9")