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How to condition a recalculation of a table to an actionButton click in RShiny app

I have the following very simple app

funSolver <- function(server,currencyList,tenorList,tailList) {

return(,lapply(currencyList,function(ccy) {
    return(,lapply(tenorList,function(tenor) {
        return(,lapply(tailList,function(myTail) {
            a <- 0
            b <- 10
            d <- 25
            e <- 35

ui <- fluidPage(

titlePanel("Carry Selector"),
    selectInput(inputId = 'serverListInput',label = 'Server', choices=as.list(paste("adsg-",c("l01","ln01","l02","ln02"),sep="")),multiple = FALSE,selectize = TRUE),
    selectInput(inputId = 'currencyListInput',label = 'blabla', choices=list("blabla1","blabla2","blabla3"),multiple = TRUE,selectize = TRUE),
        column(6,selectInput(inputId = 'tenorListInput',label = 'Tenors', choices=as.list(c("All",paste(c(1,3,6),"m",sep=""),paste(c(seq(1,9),seq(10,30,5)),"y",sep=""))),multiple = TRUE,selectize = TRUE)),
        column(6,selectInput(inputId = 'tailListInput',label = 'Tails', choices=as.list(c("All",paste(c(1,2,3,5,7,10,15,20),"y",sep=""))),multiple = TRUE,selectize = TRUE))
    actionButton(inputId = 'launchCalcButton',label = 'Launch Calc')
        column(12,dataTableOutput(outputId = 'table'))

server <- function(input,output){
observeEvent(input$launchCalcButton, {  
    output$table <- renderDataTable({

app = shinyApp(ui,server)

You choose a few parameters and click on the button to show the table generated by the funSolver function. I have wrapped the button call into an observeEvent so the table is generated only when you click. I do not understand why, if you change parameters after the button is first clicked, the table gets updated even though I have not clicked the button.

Q1 : Is that behavior expected ?

Q2 : If it is, how to do what I want to do within a shiny app (table refreshed only when the button is clicked on, not when the parameters are updated) ?

All help appreciated


  • You added the render function inside the observe event part which means it will run each time the dependencies change within this event. Looking at ?observeEvent gives you a very nice method to get what you want:


    I played a bit with the selectinput and button options and found out it is actually due to the multiple=TRUE argument (I believe). For some reason, this argument overrules the input button dependency in observeEvent. The version below with eventReactive however does work:

    server <- function(input,output){
      df = eventReactive(input$launchCalcButton, {  
      output$table <- renderDataTable({