Hello i am creating a J2ME application in which i need to call a web service for processing i am encrypting data and then calling web service
my code is working perfect on my Linux(Fedora) but not working on my windows and actual mobile Server is using JBoss and EJB
Code :-
String IMEI = "IMEI="+txtIMEI.getString();
String phoneno = "phoneNumber="+txtPhoneNo.getString();
String en = CryptoEngine.encryptString(phoneno + ";" + IMEI);
byte[] ben = en.getBytes();
System.out.println("En = " + en);
String BaseEn = new String (Base64.encode(ben));
System.out.println("Base64 En = " + BaseEn);
* Code For webservice
A1Stubs.A1MobileService_Stub stub = new A1Stubs.A1MobileService_Stub();
stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "");
String response = stub.getKey(BaseEn);
form.append("Reached After Web-service Called");
* End of Web Serivce
byte[] baseDecode = Base64.decode(response);
String Decrypt = CryptoEngine.decryptString(new String(baseDecode));
item.setText("Encrypted Text: \n"+en+"\n\n BASE64 Encryption: \n"+new String(Base64.encode(ben))+"\n\n Response of Web-Service : \n"+response+"\n\n BASE64 Decryption : \n"+new String(baseDecode)+"\n\n Decrypted Text : \n"+Decrypt);
on windows machine i am getting following error after calling web service
[Code: env:Server]
[String: String index out of range: -1]
at com.sun.j2mews.xml.rpc.OperationImpl.setupResStream(OperationImpl.java:380)
at com.sun.j2mews.xml.rpc.OperationImpl.invoke(OperationImpl.java:236)
why i am facing this problem????
Seems like there is a problem server-side. This type of error indicates that there is nothing to read in the stream you received. You should check the server logs to see what happened.