On occasion, I have both seen and wrote some React code like this.
const text = (
Some text
This does work, but are there any issues with this?
I know I can't use props this way, but if all I'm doing is rendering something simple like a paragraph, I don't see why I would need to make it a functional component or extend React.Component
My current reason for this is because I need to pass in a paragraph or two as placeholder text and I can't just pass in plain text.
This is not a react component, it is just a variable in which JSX
is stored:
const text = (
Some text
As per DOC:
const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;
This funny tag syntax is neither a
.It is called JSX, and it is a syntax extension to JavaScript. We recommend using it with React to describe what the UI should look like. JSX may remind you of a template language, but it comes with the full power of JavaScript.
will be available only in React component, either in Functional Component or a Class based Component.
Why React is required in this if it is not a react component?
We can store JSX in any variable and it will get transpiled by babel, and get converted into React.createElement
As per DOC:
JSX just provides syntactic sugar for the React.createElement() function.
Since JSX compiles into calls to React.createElement, the React library must also always be in scope from your JSX code.
Example: when we write:
var a = <div> Hello </div>
Result of this will be:
var a = React.createElement(
" Hello "