I've created my own discord bot for my server and i want to answer me if i say specific words who are in array tabHello :
var tabHello = ['Bonjour','Salut','Hello', 'Guten tag', 'Buenos Dias'];
var tabAnsw= ['Bonjour votre majesté.','Salutations jeune Douzien !','Ouais, ouais. T\'es qui déjà ?', 'Bonjour ' + message.author + ', comment vas-tu aujourd\'hui ?'];
if (message.content.indexOf('Hello') > 0 && message.isMentioned(client.user)){
var row = Math.floor(Math.random() * tabAnsw.length);
With this code, if i say "@bot Hello" he answers one value of tabAnsw array. But I want to answer me if i say one value of tabHello array. And, if say "Hello @bot", he doesn't answer me.
Someone can help me ?
Sorry for my english :s
You could always just use a for
var tabHello = ['Bonjour','Salut','Hello', 'Guten tag', 'Buenos Dias'];
var tabAnsw = ['Bonjour votre majesté.','Salutations jeune Douzien !','Ouais, ouais. T\'es qui déjà ?', 'Bonjour ' + message.author + ', comment vas-tu aujourd\'hui ?'];
var content = message.content.split(' ');
for(var x = 0; x < content.length; x++){
if(tabHello.includes(content[x]) && message.isMentioned(client.user)){
var row = Math.floor(Math.random() * tabAnsw.length);