I've a map of 400x400 that approximatively represents an area of 250x250km in that I want to project a GPS coordinate in form of Lat/Lon.
Taking in account that precision is not very important(errors of some km are tolerable) there is any easy formula or algorithm to make the projection and translate to a pixel coordinate? If there is one, what error can I expect? Or I'm really wrong and there not easy way for the precision that I need?
The GIS people will probably stone me for this, but assuming you're not a a high latitude, you could just figure out the lat/lon of diagonal corners of your map to get the bounding box, pick a corner as your origin, take the difference between your GPS coordinate and the origin, then a simple multiplication to scale that to pixels, then draw the point.
I've used this in the past for a map program I was playing with, and I'm at about the 39th parallel. If it doesn't have to be dead accurate, and not too close to a pole (Though, for a 250km square, you'd have to be close to a pole for gross errors to happen), this would be the quickest and the easiest.