I am building a parser for a command language that I've pieced together from various samples. I've read the Boost Spirit Qi and Lex docs, and I think I understand the basics, but from what I've read, I should avoid attributes and use utree. What docs I've found on utree basically suck. Given the code below, I have the following questions:
How can I make the command tokens case insensitive, but not change the contents of a quoted string?
#include <Windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost\spirit\include\qi.hpp>
#include <boost\spirit\include\phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost\spirit\include\lex.hpp>
#include <boost\spirit\include\lex_lexertl.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::spirit;
using boost::spirit::utree;
// Tokens used by the command grammar
template <typename Lexer>
struct command_tokens : lex::lexer <Lexer>
command_tokens () :
// Verbs, with abbreviation (just enough characters to make each unique)
boot ("B(O(O(T)?)?)?"),
exit ("E(X(I(T)?)?)?"),
help ("H(E(L(P)?)?)?"),
dash_help ("-H(E(L(P)?)?)?"),
slash_help ("\\/H(E(L(P)?)?)?"),
load ("L(O(A(D)?)?)?"),
quit ("Q(U(I(T)?)?)?"),
set ("SE(T)?"),
show ("SH(O(W)?)?"),
// Nouns, with abbreviation (the minimum number of characters is usually 3, but may be more to ensure uniqueness)
debug ("DEB(U(G)?)?"),
drive ("DRI(V(E)?)?"),
trace ("TRA(C(E)?)?"),
// Qualifiers
on ("ON"),
off ("OFF"),
// Tokens to pass back to the grammar
quoted_string ("...")
using namespace boost::spirit::lex;
// Associate the tokens with the lexer
= boot
| exit
| help
| dash_help
| slash_help
| load
| quit
| set
| show
| debug
| drive
| trace
| off
| on
| quoted_string
// Define whitespace to ignore: space, tab, newline
this->self ("WS")
= lex::token_def <> ("[ \\t\\n]+")
lex::token_def <> boot;
lex::token_def <> dash_help;
lex::token_def <> debug;
lex::token_def <string> drive;
lex::token_def <> exit;
lex::token_def <> help;
lex::token_def <> load;
lex::token_def <> off;
lex::token_def <> on;
lex::token_def <> quit;
lex::token_def <string> quoted_string;
lex::token_def <> set;
lex::token_def <> show;
lex::token_def <> slash_help;
lex::token_def <> trace;
// Display parse error
struct error_handler_
template <typename, typename, typename>
struct result
typedef void type;
template <typename Iterator>
void operator ()
qi::info const& What,
Iterator Err_pos,
Iterator Last
) const
cout << "Error! Expecting "
<< What
<< " here: \""
<< string (Err_pos, Last)
<< "\""
<< endl;
boost::phoenix::function <error_handler_> const error_handler = error_handler_ ();
// Grammar describing the valid commands
template <typename Iterator, typename Lexer>
struct command_grammar : qi::grammar <Iterator>
template <typename Lexer>
command_grammar (command_tokens <Lexer> const& Tok) :
command_grammar::base_type (start)
using qi::on_error;
using qi::fail;
using qi::char_;
= +commands;
= (
| exit_command
| help_command
| load_command
| set_command
| show_command
= Tok.boot;
= Tok.exit
| Tok.quit;
= Tok.help
| Tok.dash_help
| Tok.slash_help;
= Tok.load >> Tok.quoted_string;
= Tok.set;
= Tok.show;
= debug_property
| drive_property
| trace_property;
= Tok.debug >> on_off;
= Tok.drive >> char_ ("A-Z") >> char_ (":");
= Tok.trace >> on_off;
= Tok.on
| Tok.off;
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE (debug_property);
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE (drive_property);
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE (trace_property);
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE (target_property);
on_error <fail> (start, error_handler (_4, _3, _2));
qi::rule <Iterator> start;
qi::rule <Iterator> commands;
qi::rule <Iterator> boot_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> exit_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> help_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> load_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> quit_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> set_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> show_command;
qi::rule <Iterator> set_property;
qi::rule <Iterator> debug_property;
qi::rule <Iterator, string ()> drive_property;
qi::rule <Iterator> target_property;
qi::rule <Iterator> trace_property;
qi::rule <Iterator> on_off;
int Argc,
typedef std::string::iterator base_iterator_type;
typedef lex::lexertl::token <base_iterator_type> token_type;
typedef lex::lexertl::lexer <token_type> lexer_type;
typedef command_tokens <lexer_type> command_tokens;
typedef command_tokens::iterator_type iterator_type;
typedef command_grammar <iterator_type, command_tokens::lexer_def> command_grammar;
command_tokens tokens;
command_grammar commands (tokens);
string input = "SET DRIVE C:";
string::iterator it = input.begin ();
iterator_type iter = tokens.begin (it, input.end ());
iterator_type end = tokens.end ();
string ws ("WS");
bool result = lex::tokenize_and_phrase_parse (it, input.end (), tokens, commands, qi::in_state (ws) [tokens.self]);
if (result)
cout << "Parse succeeded" << endl;
string rest (it, input.end ());
cout << "Parse failed" << endl;
cout << "Stopped at " << rest << endl;
return 0;
} // End of main
I'm going to side-step the majority of your code, for the simple reasons that experience tells me that Lex
and utree
are generally not what you want to use.
What you do want is define an AST to represent your command language and then come up with a grammar to build it.
namespace Ast {
struct NoValue {
bool operator==(NoValue const &) const { return true; }
template <typename Tag> struct GenericCommand {};
namespace tag {
struct boot;
struct help;
struct load;
struct exit;
struct set;
struct show;
template <> struct GenericCommand<tag::load> { std::string name; };
template <> struct GenericCommand<tag::set> {
std::string property;
boost::variant<NoValue, std::string, bool> value; // optional
using BootCmd = GenericCommand<tag::boot>;
using HelpCmd = GenericCommand<tag::help>;
using ExitCmd = GenericCommand<tag::exit>;
using ShowCmd = GenericCommand<tag::show>;
using LoadCmd = GenericCommand<tag::load>;
using SetCmd = GenericCommand<tag::set>;
using Command = boost::variant<BootCmd, HelpCmd, ExitCmd, ShowCmd, LoadCmd, SetCmd>;
using Commands = std::list<Command>;
The full code only adds debug output helpers. And here's the full Fusion Adaption:
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_TPL_STRUCT((Tag), (Ast::GenericCommand) (Tag), )
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::SetCmd, property, value)
Here I make some choices:
let's make things white-space and case insensitive, allowing line-separated commands: (see also Boost spirit skipper issues)
start = skip(blank) [lazy_command % eol];
let's use Nabialek Trick to associate commands with prefixes. I used a very simple snippet of code to generate the unique prefixes:
std::set<std::string> const verbs { "boot", "exit", "help", "-help", "/help", "load", "quit", "set", "show", };
for (auto const full : verbs)
for (auto partial=full; partial.length(); partial.resize(partial.size()-1)) {
auto n = std::distance(verbs.lower_bound(partial), verbs.upper_bound(full));
if (n < 2) std::cout << "(\"" << partial << "\", &" << full << "_command)\n";
you could do the same for properties, but I thought the current setup is simpler:
template <typename Iterator>
struct command_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, Ast::Commands()> {
command_grammar() : command_grammar::base_type(start) {
using namespace qi;
start = skip(blank) [lazy_command % eol];
// nabialek trick
lazy_command = no_case [ commands [ _a = _1 ] > lazy(*_a) [ _val = _1 ] ];
on_off.add("on", true)("off", false);
("-help", &help_command) ("-hel", &help_command) ("-he", &help_command) ("-h", &help_command)
("/help", &help_command) ("/hel", &help_command) ("/he", &help_command) ("/h", &help_command)
("help", &help_command) ("hel", &help_command) ("he", &help_command) ("h", &help_command)
("boot", &boot_command) ("boo", &boot_command) ("bo", &boot_command) ("b", &boot_command)
("exit", &exit_command) ("exi", &exit_command) ("ex", &exit_command) ("e", &exit_command)
("quit", &exit_command) ("qui", &exit_command) ("qu", &exit_command) ("q", &exit_command)
("load", &load_command) ("loa", &load_command) ("lo", &load_command) ("l", &load_command)
("set", &set_command) ("se", &set_command)
("show", &show_command) ("sho", &show_command) ("sh", &show_command);
quoted_string = '"' >> +~char_('"') >> '"';
// nullary commands
boot_command_ = eps;
exit_command_ = eps;
help_command_ = eps;
show_command_ = eps;
// non-nullary commands
load_command_ = quoted_string;
drive_ = char_("A-Z") >> ':';
set_command_ = no_case[lit("drive")|"driv"|"dri"|"dr"] >> attr("DRIVE") >> drive_
| no_case[ (lit("debug")|"debu"|"deb"|"de") >> attr("DEBUG") >> on_off ]
| no_case[ (lit("trace")|"trac"|"tra"|"tr"|"t") >> attr("TRACE") >> on_off ]
(boot_command) (exit_command) (help_command) (show_command) (set_command) (load_command)
on_error<fail>(start, error_handler_(_4, _3, _2));
on_error<fail>(lazy_command, error_handler_(_4, _3, _2));
boot_command = boot_command_;
exit_command = exit_command_;
help_command = help_command_;
load_command = load_command_;
exit_command = exit_command_;
set_command = set_command_;
show_command = show_command_;
struct error_handler_t {
template <typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
void operator()(qi::info const &What, Iterator Err_pos, Iterator Last) const {
std::cout << "Error! Expecting " << What << " here: \"" << std::string(Err_pos, Last) << "\"" << std::endl;
boost::phoenix::function<error_handler_t> const error_handler_ = error_handler_t {};
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Commands()> start;
using Skipper = qi::blank_type;
using CommandRule = qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Command(), Skipper>;
qi::symbols<char, bool> on_off;
qi::symbols<char, CommandRule const*> commands;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> drive_property, quoted_string, drive_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Command(), Skipper, qi::locals<CommandRule const*> > lazy_command;
CommandRule boot_command, exit_command, help_command, load_command, set_command, show_command;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::BootCmd(), Skipper> boot_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::ExitCmd(), Skipper> exit_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::HelpCmd(), Skipper> help_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::LoadCmd(), Skipper> load_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::SetCmd(), Skipper> set_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::ShowCmd(), Skipper> show_command_;
int main() {
typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
command_grammar<It> const commands;
for (std::string const input : {
"set drive C:",
"loAD \"XYZ\"",
"load \"anything \nat all\"",
// multiline
"load \"ABC\"\nhelp\n-he\n/H\nsh\nse t off\nse debug ON\nb\nq"
std::cout << "----- '" << input << "' -----\n";
It f = input.begin(), l = input.end();
Ast::Commands parsed;
bool result = parse(f, l, commands, parsed);
if (result) {
for (auto& cmd : parsed) {
std::cout << "Parsed " << cmd << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
if (f != l) {
std::cout << "Remaining unparsed '" << std::string(f, l) << "'\n";
----- 'help' -----
Parsed HELP ()
----- 'set drive C:' -----
Parsed SET (DRIVE C)
----- 'SET DRIVE C:' -----
Parsed SET (DRIVE C)
----- 'loAD "XYZ"' -----
Parsed LOAD (XYZ)
----- 'load "anything
at all"' -----
Parsed LOAD (anything
at all)
----- 'load "ABC"
se t off
se debug ON
q' -----
Parsed LOAD (ABC)
Parsed HELP ()
Parsed HELP ()
Parsed HELP ()
Parsed SHOW ()
Parsed SET (TRACE 0)
Parsed SET (DEBUG 1)
Parsed BOOT ()
Parsed EXIT ()
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace Ast {
struct NoValue {
bool operator==(NoValue const &) const { return true; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, NoValue) { return os; }
template <typename Tag> struct GenericCommand {};
namespace tag {
struct boot {};
struct help {};
struct load {};
struct exit {};
struct set {};
struct show {};
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, boot) { return os << "BOOT"; }
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, help) { return os << "HELP"; }
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, load) { return os << "LOAD"; }
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, exit) { return os << "EXIT"; }
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, set ) { return os << "SET"; }
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, show) { return os << "SHOW"; }
template <> struct GenericCommand<tag::load> { std::string name; };
template <> struct GenericCommand<tag::set> {
std::string property;
boost::variant<NoValue, std::string, bool> value; // optional
using BootCmd = GenericCommand<tag::boot>;
using HelpCmd = GenericCommand<tag::help>;
using ExitCmd = GenericCommand<tag::exit>;
using ShowCmd = GenericCommand<tag::show>;
using LoadCmd = GenericCommand<tag::load>;
using SetCmd = GenericCommand<tag::set>;
using Command = boost::variant<BootCmd, HelpCmd, ExitCmd, ShowCmd, LoadCmd, SetCmd>;
using Commands = std::list<Command>;
template <typename Tag>
static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Ast::GenericCommand<Tag> const& command) {
return os << Tag{} << " " << boost::fusion::as_vector(command);
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_TPL_STRUCT((Tag), (Ast::GenericCommand) (Tag), )
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::SetCmd, property, value)
template <typename Iterator>
struct command_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, Ast::Commands()> {
command_grammar() : command_grammar::base_type(start) {
using namespace qi;
start = skip(blank) [lazy_command % eol];
// nabialek trick
lazy_command = no_case [ commands [ _a = _1 ] > lazy(*_a) [ _val = _1 ] ];
on_off.add("on", true)("off", false);
("-help", &help_command) ("-hel", &help_command) ("-he", &help_command) ("-h", &help_command)
("/help", &help_command) ("/hel", &help_command) ("/he", &help_command) ("/h", &help_command)
("help", &help_command) ("hel", &help_command) ("he", &help_command) ("h", &help_command)
("boot", &boot_command) ("boo", &boot_command) ("bo", &boot_command) ("b", &boot_command)
("exit", &exit_command) ("exi", &exit_command) ("ex", &exit_command) ("e", &exit_command)
("quit", &exit_command) ("qui", &exit_command) ("qu", &exit_command) ("q", &exit_command)
("load", &load_command) ("loa", &load_command) ("lo", &load_command) ("l", &load_command)
("set", &set_command) ("se", &set_command)
("show", &show_command) ("sho", &show_command) ("sh", &show_command);
quoted_string = '"' >> +~char_('"') >> '"';
// nullary commands
boot_command_ = eps;
exit_command_ = eps;
help_command_ = eps;
show_command_ = eps;
// non-nullary commands
load_command_ = quoted_string;
drive_ = char_("A-Z") >> ':';
set_command_ = no_case[lit("drive")|"driv"|"dri"|"dr"] >> attr("DRIVE") >> drive_
| no_case[ (lit("debug")|"debu"|"deb"|"de") >> attr("DEBUG") >> on_off ]
| no_case[ (lit("trace")|"trac"|"tra"|"tr"|"t") >> attr("TRACE") >> on_off ]
(boot_command) (exit_command) (help_command) (show_command) (set_command) (load_command)
on_error<fail>(start, error_handler_(_4, _3, _2));
on_error<fail>(lazy_command, error_handler_(_4, _3, _2));
boot_command = boot_command_;
exit_command = exit_command_;
help_command = help_command_;
load_command = load_command_;
exit_command = exit_command_;
set_command = set_command_;
show_command = show_command_;
struct error_handler_t {
template <typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
void operator()(qi::info const &What, Iterator Err_pos, Iterator Last) const {
std::cout << "Error! Expecting " << What << " here: \"" << std::string(Err_pos, Last) << "\"" << std::endl;
boost::phoenix::function<error_handler_t> const error_handler_ = error_handler_t {};
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Commands()> start;
using Skipper = qi::blank_type;
using CommandRule = qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Command(), Skipper>;
qi::symbols<char, bool> on_off;
qi::symbols<char, CommandRule const*> commands;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> drive_property, quoted_string, drive_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Command(), Skipper, qi::locals<CommandRule const*> > lazy_command;
CommandRule boot_command, exit_command, help_command, load_command, set_command, show_command;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::BootCmd(), Skipper> boot_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::ExitCmd(), Skipper> exit_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::HelpCmd(), Skipper> help_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::LoadCmd(), Skipper> load_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::SetCmd(), Skipper> set_command_;
qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::ShowCmd(), Skipper> show_command_;
int main() {
typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
command_grammar<It> const commands;
for (std::string const input : {
"set drive C:",
"loAD \"XYZ\"",
"load \"anything \nat all\"",
// multiline
"load \"ABC\"\nhelp\n-he\n/H\nsh\nse t off\nse debug ON\nb\nq"
std::cout << "----- '" << input << "' -----\n";
It f = input.begin(), l = input.end();
Ast::Commands parsed;
bool result = parse(f, l, commands, parsed);
if (result) {
for (auto& cmd : parsed) {
std::cout << "Parsed " << cmd << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
if (f != l) {
std::cout << "Remaining unparsed '" << std::string(f, l) << "'\n";
Q. How do I annotate the parser to create an AST using utree?
Q. How do I walk the utree after it is built, to discover what was parsed?
Q. I want to add a comment character, "!". So, how can I ignore everything after that - except when it occurs in a quoted string?
Simply make the Skipper
type a rule that parses e.g.:
qi::rule<Iterator> my_skipper;
my_skipper = blank | '!' >> *(char_ - eol) >> (eol|eoi);
Then use it instead of skip(blank)
like skip(my_skipper)
Q. Why doesn't my error handler get called when I give it invalid input?
instead of operator>>
). If you don't, a failure to match a sub-expression simply backtracks.Q. How can I make the command tokens case insensitive, but not change the contents of a quoted string?