I'm trying to create a factory method in a Java Spring boot application. But instead of manually instantiating an object I would like to get it from DI container. Is that possible?
public interface PaymentService {
public Payment createPayment(String taskId);
public class PaymentServiceImplA implements PaymentService {
private JobService jobService;
private ApplicationService applicationService;
private UserService userService;
private WorkService workService;
public PaymentServiceImplA(JobService jobService, UserService userService, WorkService workService,
ApplicationService applicationService) {
this.jobService = jobService;
this.applicationService = applicationService;
this.userService = userService;
this.workService = workService;
//removed other constructor injected dependencies
Getting error "No qualifying bean of type 'com.test.mp.service.PaymentServiceImplA' available" when getBean method is called.
public class PaymentFactory {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public PaymentFactory(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public PaymentService paymentService(){
//Using getBean method doesn't work, throws error mentioned above
if(condition == true)
return applicationContext.getBean(PaymentServiceImplA.class);
return applicationContext.getBean(PaymentServiceImplB.class);
This is how I ended up solving this for now. By injecting the bean method with dependencies required to instantiate the implementation objects.
public class PaymentFactory {
//private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public PaymentFactory() {
//this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public PaymentService paymentService(JobService jobService, UserService userService
, WorkService workService, ApplicationService applicationService){
if(condition == true){
return new PaymentServiceImplA(jobService, userService, workService,
else {
return new PaymentServiceImplB(jobService, userService, workService,