I am totally stumped on this project.... I am attempting to create a node-webkit application witch required a login feature. I dont need a sign up. I need just a user and pass input that i can enter in the information that is defined in a text file or something.. literally does not need any function other than login with predefined user and pass of witch has multiple logins pre-defined in a text file or json, and to parse the name of the individual into text on the application based on the information provided into the form.. I know that an odd request but thats the job and i am quite stummmmmped! Any help pointing me in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated.
function login(){<br>
var id={"name":"User Name",<br>
"pw":"User Password"};<br>
var user_id=prompt("User Name:")<br>
if (user_id!=null){<br>
var user_pw=prompt("Password:");<br>
}if (user_pw!=null){<br>
if(user_id == id.name && user_pw == id.pw){<br>
window.open("//"); // open html website or file<br>
alert("Error Password or Username!")}}}
a href="#' onclick="login()"