I know this is a topic where there is a lot of info, but I still can't solve this.
I am working with NodeJs that connects to a mysql server, I have an array, I need to iterate the array and do some stuff with the data, the thing is I need to do a query to the mysql server but I need to the for loop wait until I got the results of the query, I have tried a lot of things, now I am trying with .each method of bluebird but still is not working properly, this is my code.
the initial function is Notification.getByUser
thanks in advance
'use strict';
var Promise = require("bluebird");
module.exports = function(Notifications) {
Notifications.execute = function(sql, itemId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.dataSource.connector.execute(sql, (e, result) => {
console.log('-----RESULT----', itemId);
console.log('-----ERROR-----', itemId);
if (result.length === 0) {
} else {
Notifications.isMatching = function(item, user, type) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(type, item, user);
if (item !== null) {
if (item !== user) {
Notifications.getByUser = function(userId, isZolver, countryId, cityId, userState, cb) {
var where = { status: 1 };
var plainText = '';
var items = Notifications.find({ where });
Promise.each(items, item => {
return Notifications.isMatching(item.isZolver, isZolver, 'isZolver')
.then(() => {
Notifications.isMatching(item.cityId, cityId, 'cityId');
.then(() => {
if(item.extraCondition !== null && item.extraCondition !== '') {
var sql = item.extraCondition.replace(/:user_id/g, userId);
// console.log(sql);
Notifications.execute(sql, item.id)
.then(render => console.log('extraCondition', render));
} else {
console.log('extraCondition', true);
}).then(res => {
// console.log('res del loop', res);
cb(null, 'ok');
There are several issues with your code:
In order to chain promises, you must make sure to return promises that you create within a then
You should not need to create a promise for results that are immediately available (isMatching
The then
callback is always executed when a promise fulfils. It does not matter whether you do resolve(false)
: even if the promised value is false
this will still make the promise fulfilled and trigger the then
There are some unknowns in your code, like Notifications.find
, and what kind of SQL you are executing: does it return a result set, if so, would you not be interested to get that result instead of just resolving to a boolean?
Anyway, here are some applied corrections:
'use strict';
var Promise = require("bluebird");
module.exports = function(Notifications) {
Notifications.execute = function(sql, itemId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.dataSource.connector.execute(sql, (e, result) => {
console.log('-----RESULT----', itemId);
console.log('-----ERROR-----', itemId);
resolve (result.length !== 0); // The `if ... else` is overkill
//You don't need isMatching to return a promise
Notifications.isMatching = function(a, b) {
return a === null || a === b;
Notifications.getByUser = function(userId, isZolver, countryId, cityId, userState) {
var where = { status: 1 };
var items = Notifications.find({ where })
// use filter() to limit the items to those you want to execute the SQL for
.filter(item => {
return Notifications.isMatching(item.isZolver, isZolver)
&& Notifications.isMatching(item.cityId, cityId)
&& item.extraCondition !== ''
// Return the promise! (don't go back to the old callback system!)
return Promise.each(items, item => {
var sql = item.extraCondition.replace(/:user_id/g, userId);
// Return the promise!
return Notifications.execute(sql, item.id);
}).then(res => {
console.log('res del loop', res);
Note that the signature of Notifications.getByUser
does not have the final callback parameter: you should keep using promises once you start with them, so when you call this function, call the result's then
method like you would do for any promise:
Notifications.getByUser( .......arguments....).then( function () {
// do something...