I am trying to build a bus application which shall behave exactly like this (http://pdxlivebus.com/) one.
Now I simply can not get the idea out that how can i constantly feed data to the UI from my backend? I don't want to send ajax requests after some intervals. I have done chat application with react and node.js but they are realtime in a sense that one user does something(send message or disconnect) and for that the server sends out a socket event and the client listens and updates.
But application like this one http://pdxlivebus.com/ where the user does not do anything but to watch the buses how does the UI gets updated with the latest data?
Internally http://pdxlivebus.com/ is using socket.io – check line no. 23178 of http://pdxlivebus.com/dist/bundle.js
Emitted event vehicle_update
returns data like:
"routeNumber": 100,
"delay": -37,
"inCongestion": null,
"latitude": 45.5231087,
"longitude": -122.959265,
"type": "rail",
"vehicleID": 104
With information like that you can build animations for each element (vehicleID is uniq, it is easy to track) that is in move.