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Accessing all parameters of a GRIB2 file using pygrib

I am trying to read a GRIB2 file using pygrib. I manage to open files and read data without problem, but I need to automate the process, and unfortunately each file contains multiple very similar fields:

1:Total Cloud Cover:% (avg):regular_ll:unknown:level 0 214:fcst time 0-1 hrs (avg):from 201705200000
2:Total Cloud Cover:% (avg):regular_ll:unknown:level 0 224:fcst time 0-1 hrs (avg):from 201705200000
3:Total Cloud Cover:% (avg):regular_ll:unknown:level 0 234:fcst time 0-1 hrs (avg):from 201705200000
4:Total Cloud Cover:% (avg):regular_ll:unknown:level 0 10:fcst time 0-1 hrs (avg):from 201705200000
5:Total Cloud Cover:% (instant):regular_ll:unknown:level 0 244:fcst time 1 hrs:from 201705200000
6:Total Cloud Cover:% (avg):regular_ll:unknown:level 0 211:fcst time 0-1 hrs (avg):from 201705200000

The only difference (as seen by pygrib) for these file is the field typeOfFirstFixedSurface, but I have no idea what this field (and cannot find the relevant information on the site where I got the grib2 files). I have looked at all the key/value parameters for every messages, and did not find any other useful information I could use to differentiate the fields....

However, when using Panoply, I see much more parameters, e.g.:

float Total_cloud_cover_convective_cloud(time=1, lat=721, lon=1440);
  :long_name = "Total cloud cover @ Convective cloud layer";
  :units = "%";
  :abbreviation = "TCDC";
  :missing_value = NaNf; // float
  :grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
  :coordinates = "reftime time lat lon ";
  :Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-6-1_L244";
  :Grib2_Parameter = 0, 6, 1; // int
  :Grib2_Parameter_Discipline = "Meteorological products";
  :Grib2_Parameter_Category = "Cloud";
  :Grib2_Parameter_Name = "Total cloud cover";
  :Grib2_Level_Type = "Convective cloud layer";
  :Grib2_Generating_Process_Type = "Forecast";

I could definitively use the long_name or Grib_Variable_Id fields to differentiate between messages, but I cannot access these "parameters" using pygrib.

Is there a way to access these parameters using pygrib?


  • I had lots of problems with figuring out this particular format and tools which could help me with reading/parsing it... Eventually, I ended up with using IRIS which ended up in extremely messy setup. I did this a year and a half ago on Ubuntu machine with Python 2.7. I am pasting the steps I needed to do in order to install IRIS and all possible dependencies, hopefully this will be of some use to you although there are probably lots of outdated versions in the whole setup...

    Good luck!

    # necessary steps for a clean machine
    # sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev build-essential python-setuptools libpq-dev git unzip cmake
    # pip install virtualenv
    # pip install virtualenvwrapper
    # mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
    # nano ~/.bashrc
    # export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
    # source /usr/local/bin/
    # . ~/.bashrc
    # mkvirtualenv iris
    pip install numpy
    pip install biggus
    sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
    # OR
    # sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose
    pip install scipy
    # cartopy dependecies
    pip install cython
    tar -xzf proj-4.9.1.tar.gz
    cd proj-4.9.1/
    make install
    # OR
    # sudo apt-get install libproj-dev
    # sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev
    unzip download
    cd pyke-1.1.1/
    python build
    python install
    pip install cartopy
    # netcdf4 dependecies
    # wget (??????????????)
    sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
    pip install h5py
    sudo apt-get install python-netcdf libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf4
    git clone
    cd netcdf4-python
    python build
    python install
    # other iris dependencies
    pip install cf_units
    sudo apt-get install libudunits2-dev
    nano ~/.bashrc
    # check where exactly xml file is
    export UDUNITS2_XML_PATH=/usr/local/share/doc/udunits/udunits2.xml
    . ~/.bashrc
    pip install pillow
    # gribapi
    tar -xzf grib_api-1.14.4-Source.tar.gz?api=v2
    mkdir build; cd build
    cmake ../grib_api-1.14.0-Source -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON
    make -j4
    ctest -j4
    make install
    # OR
    # sudo apt-get install libgrib-api-dev
    # sudo apt-get install openjpeg-tools
    cp -R /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/grib_api ~/.virtualenvs/iristest/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
    # aaaand, here we go, iris!
    git clone
    cd iris
    python build
    python install
    # rejoice!
    # pip freeze output:
    # Biggus==0.12.0
    # Cartopy==0.13.0
    # cf-units==1.0.0
    # Cython==0.23.4
    # h5py==2.5.0
    # Iris==1.10.0.dev0
    # netCDF4==1.2.2
    # numpy==1.10.2
    # Pillow==3.0.0
    # pyke==1.1.1
    # pyshp==1.2.3
    # scipy==0.16.1
    # Shapely==1.5.13
    # six==1.10.0