I'm trying to build 2 output files with the same content. One tagged with the version number (taken from package.json) and second tagged with "latest".
My (simplified) configuration looks like this:
var webpack = require('webpack');
var path = require('path');
var version = require('./package.json').version;
module.exports = {
entry: {
js: './src/main.js'
output: {
path: path.resolve('./dist/sdk'),
filename: [`oc-sdk-${version}.js`, 'oc-sdk-latest.js']
But this isn't currently supported by webpack. I'm getting this error:
configuration.output.filename should be a string
Is there a way to do this? Using a plugin or something?
Thanks for any advice or suggestion!
I think it would fall outside Webpack's duties.
Instead I'd suggest you to add a couple of lines to your build setup to copy/rename your files.
plugin, for example, provides you a callback which is fired after the build task is completed.