When object literal calls toString()
method like {}.toString()
will cause syntax error, but when array literal call toString()
it is OK. And when I assign the object literal to a variable, then when it call the toString()
method will be OK. Why? For example:
var o = {};
o.toString(); // OK
// > Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
[1, 2, 3].toString(); // OK
It's because {}
is seen as a valid block first, instead of a literal in that context.
In simple terms - consider that line is interpreted from left to right, encounters {
and therefore expects that a block has started. When the block ends, it encounters .
and that identifier is not allowed there.
If you were to use ({}).toString()
that will work.
This is because the line starts with (
and therefore expects an expression, it correctly identifies the {}
as an expression which is evaluated to an empty object and therefore '.toString()` is allowed.
If {}
is used in another context - e.g. in your example o = {}
this is correctly interpreted as an empty object because is's on the right-hand side of an assignment (after =
Note that in ES6 there is a similar but more common/practical situation where understanding this is important - when returning objects in one-liner arrow functions, e.g.
[1,2,3,4].map(val => { v: val, isOdd: v % 2 === 1 }) // ERROR
[1,2,3,4].map(val => ({ v: val, isOdd: v % 2 === 1 })) // OK