I'm developing a Chrome extension;
I need to detect when a tab is duplicated, I'm looking for a tab detection event like onduplicate.addListener()
Is that possible with the Chrome extension API?
This is the closest implementation:
const newTabsId = new Set();
// Observe all new tabs with opener ID
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(tab => {
if(tab.openerTabId) {
// Waiting for a new tab completeness
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changes, tab) => {
if(newTabsId.has(tabId) && changes.status === 'complete') {
if(!tab.openerTabId) {
// Retrieve opener (original) tab
.then(originalTab => {
originalTab.url === tab.url && // original and new tab should have same URL
originalTab.index + 1 === tab.index && // new tab should have next index
tab.active && tab.selected // new tab should be active and selected
// also we may compare scroll from top, but for that we need to use content-script
) {
console.log('Duplicate:', tab);
// Remove this tab from observable list
// Syntax sugar
function getTabById(id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
chrome.tabs.get(id, resolve);
// Cleanup memory: remove from observables if tab has been closed
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(tabId => {
EDIT 1: But yeah, there is no clear solution now to detect real duplicate