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Making sense of soundMixer.computeSpectrum

All examples that I can find on the Internet just visualize the result array of the function computeSpectrum, but I am tasked with something else.

I generate a music note and I need by analyzing the result array to be able to say what note is playing. I figured out that I need to set the second parameter of the function call 'FFTMode' to true and then it returns sound frequencies. I thought that really it should return only one non-zero value which I could use to determine what note I generated using Math.sin function, but it is not the case.

Can somebody suggest a way how I can accomplish the task? Using the soundMixer.computeSpectrum is a requirement because I am going to analyze more complex sounds later.


  • FFT will transform your signal window into set of Nyquist sine waves so unless 440Hz is one of them you will obtain more than just one nonzero value! For a single sine wave you would obtain 2 frequencies due to aliasing. Here an example:


    As you can see for exact Nyquist frequency the FFT response is single peak but for nearby frequencies there are more peaks.

    Due to shape of the signal you can obtain continuous spectrum with peaks instead of discrete values.

    Frequency of i-th sample is f(i)=i*samplerate/N where i={0,1,2,3,4,...(N/2)-1} is sample index (first one is DC offset so not frequency for 0) and N is the count of samples passed to FFT.

    So in case you want to detect some harmonics (multiples of single fundamental frequency) then set the samplerate and N so samplerate/N is that fundamental frequency or divider of it. That way you would obtain just one peak for harmonics sinwaves. Easing up the computations.