In the .NET Framework in PresentationCore.dll, there is a generic PriorityQueue<T>
class whose code can be found here.
I wrote a short program to test the sorting, and the results weren't great:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MS.Internal;
namespace ConsoleTest {
public static class ConsoleTest {
public static void Main() {
PriorityQueue<int> values = new PriorityQueue<int>(6, Comparer<int>.Default);
Random random = new Random(88);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
values.Push(random.Next(0, 10000000));
int lastValue = int.MinValue;
int temp;
while (values.Count != 0) {
temp = values.Top;
if (temp >= lastValue)
lastValue = temp;
Console.WriteLine("found sorting error");
found sorting error
There is a sorting error, and if the sample size is increased, the number of sorting errors increases somewhat proportionally.
Have I done something wrong? If not, where is the bug in the code of the PriorityQueue
class located exactly?
The behavior can be reproduced using the initialization vector [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3]
. The result is:
[0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5]
(we can see that 3 is incorrectly placed)
The Push
algorithm is correct. It builds a min-heap in a straightforward way:
The resulting tree is:
/ \
/ \
1 2
/ \ /
4 5 3
The issue is with the Pop
method. It starts by considering the top node as a "gap" to fill (since we popped it):
/ \
/ \
1 2
/ \ /
4 5 3
To fill it, it searches for the lowest immediate child (in this case: 1). It then moves the value up to fill the gap (and the child is now the new gap):
/ \
/ \
* 2
/ \ /
4 5 3
It then does the exact same thing with the new gap, so the gap moves down again:
/ \
/ \
4 2
/ \ /
* 5 3
When the gap has reached the bottom, the algorithm... takes the bottom-rightmost value of the tree and uses it to fill the gap:
/ \
/ \
4 2
/ \ /
3 5 *
Now that the gap is at the bottom-rightmost node, it decrements _count
to remove the gap from the tree:
/ \
/ \
4 2
/ \
3 5
And we end up with... A broken heap.
To be perfectly honest, I don't understand what the author was trying to do, so I can't fix the existing code. At most, I can swap it with a working version (shamelessly copied from Wikipedia):
internal void Pop2()
if (_count > 0)
_heap[0] = _heap[_count];
internal void Heapify(int i)
int left = (2 * i) + 1;
int right = left + 1;
int smallest = i;
if (left <= _count && _comparer.Compare(_heap[left], _heap[smallest]) < 0)
smallest = left;
if (right <= _count && _comparer.Compare(_heap[right], _heap[smallest]) < 0)
smallest = right;
if (smallest != i)
var pivot = _heap[i];
_heap[i] = _heap[smallest];
_heap[smallest] = pivot;
Main issue with that code is the recursive implementation, which will break if the number of elements is too large. I strongly recommend using an optimized thirdparty library instead.
Edit: I think I found out what is missing. After taking the bottom-rightmost node, the author just forgot to rebalance the heap:
internal void Pop()
Debug.Assert(_count != 0);
if (_count > 1)
// Loop invariants:
// 1. parent is the index of a gap in the logical tree
// 2. leftChild is
// (a) the index of parent's left child if it has one, or
// (b) a value >= _count if parent is a leaf node
int parent = 0;
int leftChild = HeapLeftChild(parent);
while (leftChild < _count)
int rightChild = HeapRightFromLeft(leftChild);
int bestChild =
(rightChild < _count && _comparer.Compare(_heap[rightChild], _heap[leftChild]) < 0) ?
rightChild : leftChild;
// Promote bestChild to fill the gap left by parent.
_heap[parent] = _heap[bestChild];
// Restore invariants, i.e., let parent point to the gap.
parent = bestChild;
leftChild = HeapLeftChild(parent);
// Fill the last gap by moving the last (i.e., bottom-rightmost) node.
_heap[parent] = _heap[_count - 1];
// FIX: Rebalance the heap
int index = parent;
var value = _heap[parent];
while (index > 0)
int parentIndex = HeapParent(index);
if (_comparer.Compare(value, _heap[parentIndex]) < 0)
// value is a better match than the parent node so exchange
// places to preserve the "heap" property.
var pivot = _heap[index];
_heap[index] = _heap[parentIndex];
_heap[parentIndex] = pivot;
index = parentIndex;
// Heap is balanced