I have a variable that could be an array of objects, an array of numbers, a nested array of objects or a nested array of numbers. My function deals with each of these cases in turn, but I'm trying to make my code type safe using Facebook flow and I get an incompatible type error.
type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
function parseData(data = Data) {
When I run flow I get
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^ number. This type is incompatible with
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^ object type
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^ number. This type is incompatible with
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^ number. This type is incompatible with
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^^^ array type
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^ object type. This type is incompatible with
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^ number
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^ array type. This type is incompatible with
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^ number
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^^^ array type. This type is incompatible with
2: type Data = number[] | {}[] | Array<{}[]> | Array<number[]>
^^^^^^ number
I understand that it's saying a variable that is an array of numbers cannot be an array of objects, and neither can be an array of arrays, but I don't know how to type this variable.
You are using the type wrong in your parameters. So this line:
function parseData(data = Data) {
should be replaced with this line:
function parseData(data: Data) {
If you use the assignment operator, you basically define a default value for the parameter. So instead of the assignment operator you need to use the colon character to mark the parameter of a specific type.
At least I get no more errors in the online flow checker here