These is my OpenShift Java client code:
public class JavaClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
IClient client = new ClientBuilder("").withUserName("").withPassword("password").build();
System.out.println(client.getOpenShiftAPIVersion() + ", " + client.getServerReadyStatus());
System.out.println("\n========================Openshift Project====================================");
IProject project = (IProject)client.getResourceFactory().stub(ResourceKind.PROJECT, "josephproject-openshift");
System.out.println("Openshift API version : " + project.getApiVersion() +", Project namespace : " + project.getNamespace() + ", Project name : " + project.getName());
System.out.println("\n========================Openshift Pods==============================");
IPod podWildfly = (IPod)client.getResourceFactory().stub(ResourceKind.POD, project.getName(), project.getNamespace());
System.out.println("Pod version : " + podWildfly.getApiVersion() + ",\n Pod Kind : " + podWildfly.getKind() + ",\n Pod Host : " + podWildfly.getHost()+ ", Pod Name \n : " + podWildfly.getName()
+ "\n, Pod state : " + podWildfly.getStatus() + "\n" + podWildfly.toJson());
This source is executed well with no exceptions, but a few response can not be replied. Belows are the responses from my openshift v3 projects
v1, ok
========================Openshift Project====================================
Openshift API version : v1, Project namespace : josephproject-openshift, Project name : josephproject-openshift
========================Openshift Pods==============================
Pod version : v1,
Pod kind : Pod,
Pod Host : ,
Pod Name : josephproject-openshift,
Pod status :
"apiVersion" : "v1",
"kind" : "Pod",
"metadata" : {
"name" : "josephproject-openshift",
"namespace" : "josephproject-openshift"
"status" : {}
As you see, the response of Pod host, Pod status are not replied from the my OpenShift pod. And the more values which are not described here also missing. Did I miss the coding procedure of my OpenShift Java SDK?
The following codes are executed successfully.
IClient client = new ClientBuilder("")
System.out.println(client.getOpenShiftAPIVersion() + ", " + client.getServerReadyStatus());
System.out.println("\n========================Openshift Project====================================");
IProject project = (IProject)client.getResourceFactory().stub(ResourceKind.PROJECT, "josephproject-openshift");
System.out.println("Openshift API version : " + project.getApiVersion()
+", Project namespace : " + project.getNamespace() + ", Project name : " + project.getName());
System.out.println("\n========================Openshift Pods==============================");
List<IPod> pods = client.list(ResourceKind.POD, "josephproject-openshift");
//IPod pod = (IPod)>p.getName().startsWith("docker-registry")).findFirst().orElse(null);
for(IPod pod : pods) {
System.out.println("Pod Host : " + pod.getHost() + ", Pod Namespace : " + pod.getNamespace()
+ " ,Pod Creation Time :" + pod.getCreationTimeStamp());
System.out.println("Pod Status : " + pod.getStatus() + "\n" + pod.toJson());