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Excel using sumifs or another formula to calculate based off of column criteria

I am trying to write a excel formula that will calculate a data set based off of the column header for an area. Essentially, I am using it to help automate some of the mundane reconciliations that I do.

The data: I am wanting to search the column header for "Car_ERN" and sum that entire column. My formula I have been trying to get work is in two versions.

One version is using sumifs:

SUMIFS('Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$Y$2:$CG$85,'Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$Y$1:$CG$1,"ERN_CAR_AMT")

The other version is incorporating Sumproduct but I get a zero return. The "2" is searching a column that has multiple 2s in it because I want all rows for this criteria.

`SUMPRODUCT('Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$Y$2:$CG$200,('Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$Y$1:$CG$1='Filter Sheet'!A8)*('Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!A2:A200="2"))`

If there is a better way to do it without macros that would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the help!


  • Formula only solution, assuming your desired column header to look for is in sheet 'Filter Sheet' cell A8 (using your example, that cell would contain "ERN_CAR_AMT"):

    =SUMIF('Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$A:$A,2,INDEX('Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$Y:$CG,0,MATCH('Filter Sheet'!A8,'Sum Payroll Dept Dump'!$Y$1:$CG$1,0)))