I'm creating React application that use JsSIP library to answer calls made via VoIP SIP provider.
I've already created a page that have two buttons (Accept and Reject). It successfully register SIP client on SIP-server. It also successfully receive call and I can answer it. But I don't hear anything while answering call.
Registering JsSIP client (in willReceiveProps
because I have information for connection after props changing):
const socketHost = 'wss://' + contactCenter.host + ':' + contactCenter.port
const socket = new JsSIP.WebSocketInterface(socketHost)
const configuration = {
sockets: [socket],
uri: 'sip:' + contactCenter.login + '@' + contactCenter.host,
password: contactCenter.password,
socketHost: socketHost,
const coolPhone = new JsSIP.UA(configuration)
coolPhone.on('connected', (e: any) => {
const messages = ServiceContainer.get<MessageManagerInterface>(ServiceTypes.Messages)
messages.addSuccess('SIP connected')
coolPhone.on('newRTCSession', (e: any) => {
const messages = ServiceContainer.get<MessageManagerInterface>(ServiceTypes.Messages)
messages.addAlert('New call')
const session = e.session
session.on('failed', this.resetLocalState)
session.on('ended', this.resetLocalState)
const numberRegexp = /\"(\d+)\"/
const fromNumber = (numberRegexp.exec(e.request.headers.From[0].raw))[1]
const toNumber = (numberRegexp.exec(e.request.headers.Contact[0].raw))[1].slice(1)
callReceived: true,
callSession: session,
fromNumber: fromNumber,
toNumber: toNumber,
Method that handles answer button click:
private answerCall = () => {
const messages = ServiceContainer.get<MessageManagerInterface>(ServiceTypes.Messages)
messages.addSuccess('Call answered')
const callOptions = {
mediaConstraints: {
audio: true, // only audio calls
video: false
pcConfig: {
iceServers: [
{ urls: ["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"] }
iceTransportPolicy: "all",
rtcpMuxPolicy: "negotiate"
this.state.callSession.connection.addEventListener('addstream', (event: any) => {
this.audioElement.srcObject = event.stream
callAnswered: true,
callReceived: false,
What did I do wrong?
I solved the problem.
The problem was in the position of this.audioElement.play()
I moved it to the callback on addstream
this.state.callSession.connection.addEventListener('addstream', (event: any) => {
this.audioElement.srcObject = event.stream
Now it works fine. Hope you also find it useful.