I want to create an Excel file and add input data into it using Robot Framework. So I added the Excel Library. Here's the code I use, I got an error message saying
IndexError: list index out of range
So I commented the 3rd line and got the column and row count which are 0.
Create Excel Workbook NewExcelSheet
Save Excel NewExcel.xls default=True
Open Excel NewExcel.xls default=True
Put Number To Cell NewExcelSheet 1 1 90
${Col}= Get Column Count NewExcelSheet
${Row}= Get Row Count NewExcelSheet
Log ${Col}
Log ${Row}
Why am I getting 0 as values for the columns and rows and why am I not able to add values in it?
From the documentation it appears as though no function in ExcelLibrary creates an excel sheet with any rows or columns. That's why you are getting a row count and column count of 0. It's also why you are unable to change [1,1] to 90.
The raised exception (use the robot framework argument --loglevel=DEBUG) indicates that "Put Number To Cell" does not dynamically create the needed rows and columns.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\python27_32\lib\site-packages\ExcelLibrary\ExcelLibrary.py", line 370, in put_number_to_cell
cell = self.wb.get_sheet(my_sheet_index).cell(int(row), int(column))
File "c:\python27_32\lib\site-packages\xlrd\sheet.py", line 397, in cell
xfx = self.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)
File "c:\python27_32\lib\site-packages\xlrd\sheet.py", line 423, in cell_xf_index
xfx = self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx]
I would recommend looking into a python library and creating your own excel adapter module.
For example using OpenPyXl:
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
from contextlib import closing
def make_excel_file(file_name):
with closing(Workbook()) as wb:
def add_value(file_name, cell_cords, value):
with closing(load_workbook(filename=file_name)) as wb:
ws = wb.active
ws[cell_cords] = value
*** Settings ***
Library make_excel
*** Test Cases ***
Make Excel File NewExcel.xlsx 1000
Add Value NewExcel.xlsx A1 90