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How to create and put data in excel file in Robot Framework?

I want to create an Excel file and add input data into it using Robot Framework. So I added the Excel Library. Here's the code I use, I got an error message saying

IndexError: list index out of range

So I commented the 3rd line and got the column and row count which are 0.

Create Excel Workbook   NewExcelSheet               
Save Excel  NewExcel.xls    default=True            
Open Excel  NewExcel.xls    default=True            
Put Number To Cell  NewExcelSheet   1   1   90  
${Col}= Get Column Count    NewExcelSheet           
${Row}= Get Row Count   NewExcelSheet           
Log ${Col}              
Log ${Row}  

Why am I getting 0 as values for the columns and rows and why am I not able to add values in it?


  • From the documentation it appears as though no function in ExcelLibrary creates an excel sheet with any rows or columns. That's why you are getting a row count and column count of 0. It's also why you are unable to change [1,1] to 90.

    The raised exception (use the robot framework argument --loglevel=DEBUG) indicates that "Put Number To Cell" does not dynamically create the needed rows and columns.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:\python27_32\lib\site-packages\ExcelLibrary\", line 370, in put_number_to_cell
        cell = self.wb.get_sheet(my_sheet_index).cell(int(row), int(column))
      File "c:\python27_32\lib\site-packages\xlrd\", line 397, in cell
        xfx = self.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)
      File "c:\python27_32\lib\site-packages\xlrd\", line 423, in cell_xf_index
        xfx = self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx]

    I would recommend looking into a python library and creating your own excel adapter module.

    For example using OpenPyXl:

    from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
    from contextlib import closing
    def make_excel_file(file_name):
        with closing(Workbook()) as wb:
    def add_value(file_name, cell_cords, value):
        with closing(load_workbook(filename=file_name)) as wb:
            ws =
            ws[cell_cords] = value


    *** Settings *** 
    Library  make_excel
    *** Test Cases ***
        Make Excel File   NewExcel.xlsx  1000
        Add Value  NewExcel.xlsx  A1  90