I have an elixir Genserver module that gets initialized with a defstruct
But I can't figure out how to access the data from that strict in its own private modules.
Here's the struct it gets initialized with:
defstruct info: "test_data"
Here's part of the code. If a different process wants to get information from it, it needs to know it's pid. and the state gets passed in automatically.
def get_info(pid), do: GenServer.call(pid, :get_info)
def handle_call(:get_info, _from, state), do: {:reply, state.info, state}
But how can the module itself access the struct it was initialized with?
def do_test(pid), do: GenServer.info(pid, :print_your_own_data_test)
def handle_info(:print_your_own_data_test, state) do
{:noreply, state}
defp print_your_own_data_test() do #do I have to pass state here? from handle_info?
IO.put self.info # what goes here?
But how can the module itself access the struct it was initialized with?
A function cannot access the state of itself directly; you'll need to pass the state received in handle_*
functions to the functions that need the state manually:
def handle_info(:print_your_own_data_test, state) do
{:noreply, state}
defp print_your_own_data_test(state) do
IO.inspect state
There is a :sys.get_state/{1,2}
function which can return the state of a GenServer process but you cannot invoke it from within the process since it's a synchronous GenServer call which will create a deadlock if the process calls it itself. (That function also has a note saying it should only be used for debugging.)