I use Marionette (Backbone.js) on my Rails app.
What i want to do is load another template if matches an id, this is what i have
join_room.html.slim file
tmpltRoute: templateRoute
@MyAppManager.module "Layout", (Layout, MyAppManager, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
Layout.MenuView = Marionette.ItemView.extend
initialize: (options)->
@isPremium = options.isPremium
@isStandard = options.isStandard
@tmpltRoute = options.tmpltRoute
template: JST[this.tmpltRoute]
You can override getTemplate
on your ItemView
to achieve this (see docs)
getTemplate: function(){
if (this.model.get("foo")){
return JST[foo];
} else {
return JST[bar];