Is there any way in Simple Injector to replace the default of one type at runtime as containter.Inject()
in Structure Map? I borrow the code using Structure Map as follows
var container = new Container(x => { x.For<IFoo>().Use<AFoo>(); });
container.Configure(x => x.For<IFoo>().Use<BFoo>());
// The default of IFoo is now different
// or use the Inject method that's just syntactical
// sugar for replacing the default of one type at a time
container.Inject<IFoo>(new CFoo());
My context
Register container
// bypass verify was removed for short
_container.Register<HttpContextBase>(() => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
_container.Register(() => _container.GetInstance<HttpContextBase>().User.Identity);
My service
public class MyService : IMyService
public MyService(IIdentity identity)
There is no problem with my app. It worked. But in my unit tests (real local DB without mock), I want to replace IIdentity with logged in user. I used Structure Map and it worked. Now I do not how to make it works with Simple Injector.
But in my unit tests (real local DB without mock), I want to replace IIdentity with logged in user.
You can absolutely replace the real IIdentity
registration with a different one for unit testing. You simply have to do this before resolving from the container.
This means that every integration test (I say 'integration', since a unit test should not use a DI Container) should get its own Container
instance. Secondly, to be able to override existing registrations, you will have to set container.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations
. For more information, read this.