I am implementing Video calling api for my project, when i create Access Token from https://www.twilio.com/user/account/video/dev-tools/testing-tools by "Generate Access Token" option it will give me new generated token and when i use it as below
var accessToken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJqdGkiOiJTSzk3ZDI2NGIyOTU1YjM2OWMyOGU4MjA4M2E5MjlmMmE0LTE0NjYwODE1NzQiLCJpc3MiOiJTSzk3ZDI2NGIyOTU1YjM2OWMyOGU4MjA4M2E5MjlmMmE0Iiwic3ViIjoiQUM5ZWE5YjY3ZmM3ZjBjMzE2NTBjNGRmNzkyYzhjYjI2NiIsImV4cCI6MTQ2NjA4NTE3NCwiZ3JhbnRzIjp7ImlkZW50aXR5IjoiQUM5ZWE5YjY3ZmM3ZjBjMzE2NTBjNGRmNzkyYzhjYjI2NiIsInJ0YyI6eyJjb25maWd1cmF0aW9uX3Byb2ZpbGVfc2lkIjoiVlMwNmYzZDdiNTczNGVlYTJhZDdjMWEzYzY4YmMzNjhjNSJ9fX0.976iQ2bMB_tAORxjGkgZFJ-UYGfTidTwfvV0fzySMP0";
var accessManager = new Twilio.AccessManager(accessToken);
it will works great for me.
Now when i use 2nd option "Generate an Access Token via Helper Library with PHP" and try to generate token with
// Create an Access Token
$token = new Services_Twilio_AccessToken(
// Grant access to Conversations
$grant = new Services_Twilio_Auth_ConversationsGrant();
echo json_encode(array(
'identity' => $identity,
'token' => $token->toJWT(),
it will also generate token for me but when i use generated token as
Response Token:
I use this response token in
var accessManager = new Twilio.AccessManager(data.token);
it will not works for me. it will give me error like
"Could not connect to Twilio: undefined..."
Response :
Thu Jun 23 2016 13:22:58 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) | sip.transport | received WebSocket text message:
SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
Call-ID: 4704t9hejng0hmhih2ui8m
From: <sip:AC9ea9b67fc7f0c31650c4df792c8cb266@AC9ea9b67fc7f0c31650c4df792c8cb266.endpoint.twilio.com>;tag=l3bsmhddlr
To: <sip:AC9ea9b67fc7f0c31650c4df792c8cb266@AC9ea9b67fc7f0c31650c4df792c8cb266.endpoint.twilio.com>;tag=72132201_50f4772f_8dc5c7c0-ce8e-4a6e-803a-72f6c761338b
Via: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bK2792018;rport=60911
Server: Twilio
X-Twilio-Error: 31201 Authentication failed
Content-Length: 0
Also i have tested both token on https://jwt.io , its working perfect for me.
Can anyone please help me in this matter where i am wrong with code , if you want then i can pass other credentials details as well ?
Thanks in advance.
Guys, I'v got solution of this issue with the help of Support.
In my old version of /Services/Twilio/AccessToken.php
, I have an attribute "nbf": 1466743969(not-before time), which means it is not valid until
04:52:49 UTC. However according to the timestamp in the log file it was
04:50:27 UTC (10:20:27 IST)`. If the system clock of the server generating the access token is a couple minutes fast it will result in an invalid not-before time.
Later versions of the twilio-php library omitted the "nbf"
attribute by default, because of this clock skew issue. If you get the latest version of AccessToken.php here:
it will generate access tokens without "nbf"
An alternate fix would be to make sure the server time is accurate, but you would need administrator access to adjust it.
I'v got solution of this issue with the help of Support.
In my old version of /Services/Twilio/AccessToken.php
, I have an attribute "nbf": 1466743969(not-before time)
, which means it is not valid until 04:52:49 UTC. However according to the timestamp in the log file it was 04:50:27 UTC (10:20:27 IST)`. If the system clock of the server generating the access token is a couple minutes fast it will result in an invalid not-before time.
Later versions of the twilio-php library omitted the "nbf" attribute by default, because of this clock skew issue. If you get the latest version of AccessToken.php here:
it will generate access tokens without "nbf".
An alternate fix would be to make sure the server time is accurate, but you would need administrator access to adjust it.