I have a structure 1x300 called struct
with 3 fields but I'm using only the third field called way
. This field is, for each 300 lines, a vertor of index.
Here an exemple with 3 lines to explain my problem : I woud like to search if the last index of the first line is present in an other vector (line) of the field way
[491751 491750 491749 492772 493795 494819 495843 496867]
[491753 491754 491755 491756]
[492776 493800 494823 495847 496867]
I tried with intersect function :
Inter=intersect(struct(1).way(end), struct.way);
but Matlab returns me an error :
Error using intersect (line 80)
Too many input arguments.
Error in file2 (line 9)
Inter=intersect(struct(1).way(end), struct.way);
I don't understand why I have this error. Any explanations and/or other(s) solution(s)?
Let the data be defined as
st(1).way = [491751 491750 491749 492772 493795 494819 495843 496867];
st(2).way = [491753 491754 491755 491756];
st(3).way = [492776 493800 494823 495847 496867]; % define the data
sought = st(1).way(end);
If you want to know which vectors contain the desired value: pack all vectors into a cell array and pass that to cellfun
with an anonymous function as follows:
ind = cellfun(@(x) ismember(sought, x), {st.way});
This gives:
ind =
1×3 logical array
1 0 1
If you want to know for each vector the indices of the matching: modify the anonymous function to output a cell with the indices:
ind = cellfun(@(x) {find(x==sought)}, {st.way});
or equivalently
ind = cellfun(@(x) find(x==sought), {st.way}, 'UniformOutput', false);
The result is:
ind =
1×3 cell array
[8] [1×0 double] [5]
Or, to exclude the reference vector:
n = 1; % index of vector whose final element is sought
ind = cellfun(@(x) {find(x==st(n).way(end))}, {st([1:n-1 n+1:end]).way});