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Pass Props From navBar Button Using React-Native-Router-Flux

I have a fairly fleshed out project using react-native-router-flux and I'm trying to pass an object through props. Normally I could call Actions.someKey({ someProp: object }) for the navigation, but I'm trying to navigate using the rightButtonImage where it doesn't have access to the component's props.

For instance:


    onRight={() => Actions.sceneTwo()}
  <Scene2 key="sceneTwo" />

I want to pass an object that Scene1's component has access to, when I move to Scene2.


  • It can be helpful for you: In each component i.e in componentDidMount you can do something like that:

     rightTitle: "Next",
     rightButtonTextStyle: {color: 'red'},
     onRight: this.goSomewhere, 
     rightButtonImage: someImage