In Javascript, I have a string that I need to convert to an Array of objects.
var originalString = "[13, "2017-05-22 17:02:56", "Text111"], [25, "2017-05-22 17:03:03", "Text222"], [89, "2017-05-22 17:03:14","Text333"]";
I need to be able to loop through each object, and get the 3 properties by using indexes. That would give (for the first Array) :
myItem[0] => 13
myItem[1] => "2017-05-22 17:02:56"
myItem[2] => "Text111"
That first sounded simple to my head (and probably is), but after several attempts, I am still stuck.
Please note that I cannot use jQuery because running with a very old Javascript specification : "Microsoft JScript", which is EcmaScript 3 compliant.
I thank you ;)
If you just could use JSON.parse
, then you would be able to append [
and ]
to the beginning and ending of a string respectively, and then parse it as an array of arrays.
var originalString = '[13, "2017-05-22 17:02:56", "Text111"], [25, "2017-05-22 17:03:03", "Text222"], [89, "2017-05-22 17:03:14","Text333"]';
var result = JSON.parse("[" + originalString + "]");
However, as far as I know, JSON.parse
is not ECMAScript 3 complaint, so you will have to parse it yourself.
Something like this should help:
var originalString = '[13, "2017-05-22 17:02:56", "Text111"], [25, "2017-05-22 17:03:03", "Text222"], [89, "2017-05-22 17:03:14","Text333"]';
function trimString(str, trims) {
var left = 0;
var right = str.length - 1;
while (left < right && trims.indexOf(str[left]) != -1) {
while (left < right && trims.indexOf(str[right]) != -1) {
return str.substr(left, right - left + 1);
function splitByCommasOutOfBrackets(str) {
var result = [];
var current = "";
var bracketBalance = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
switch (str[i]) {
case '[':
current = current + str[i];
case ']':
current = current + str[i];
case ',':
if (bracketBalance === 0) {
result.push(trimString(current, [" ", "[", "]", "\""]));
current = "";
} else {
current = current + str[i];
current = current + str[i];
if (current.length > 0) {
result.push(trimString(current, [" ", "[", "]", "\""]));
return result;
var arr = splitByCommasOutOfBrackets(originalString);
console.log("1: Split by commas which separate arrays");
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = splitByCommasOutOfBrackets(arr[i]);
console.log("2: Split every array by the same rules");
I am not quite sure what functionality exists in ECMAScript 3 and I used MDN for this. It looks like many functions even like String.prototype.trim
do not exist in ECMAScript 3. So I had to reimplement it myself. If I am wrong and you can use them in JScript, then just use some of these functions instead.
The general idea of algorithm is the following:
Note that all values are threaded as strings in this solution.
It could be rewritten in a recursive way instead of looping if you have more nested levels, but it would be less understandable - I just have provided a minimal solution which works :) I am sure you can improve it in many ways.