I'm trying to execute the following command from a Java application using a process:
/bin/wmic -U banshee/allotquery --password=******** //banshee.4g4g.com '--delimiter="|"' 'SELECT eventCode,eventType,timeGenerated,User,InsertionStrings,Message FROM win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile="Security" AND NOT Message LIKE "%$%"'.
(The password is hidden for security reasons).
Then I run the command in CentOS 6 CLI it succeeds and I see results. When I try to run it from my Java application it is not recognized.
public final void executeCommand(final String command, final String query) throws IOException {
if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(query)) {
LogUtils.error(SSHExecClient.class, "No parameters were supplied to the command.");
throw new IOException("No parameters were supplied to the command.");
final List<String> cmdTest = new ArrayList<String>();
cmdTest.add(0, "/bin/wmic");
cmdTest.add("'SELECT eventCode,eventType,timeGenerated,User,InsertionStrings,Message FROM win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile=\"Security\" AND NOT Message LIKE \"%$%\"'");
LogUtils.error(LocalExecClient.class, "Executing command: " + Utils.getAsString(cmdTest, " "));
final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdTest);
try {
process = pb.start();
processReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
errReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
} catch(final java.io.IOException | InterruptedException e) {
LogUtils.error(LocalExecClient.class, "Unable to execute command.");
LogUtils.error(LocalExecClient.class, e.getMessage());
throw new IOException("Unable to execute command.");
The result I get is (which means the command is not recognized): Usage:
[-?|--help] [--usage] [-d|--debuglevel DEBUGLEVEL] [--debug-stderr]
[-s|--configfile CONFIGFILE] [--option=name=value]
[-l|--log-basename LOGFILEBASE] [--leak-report] [--leak-report-full]
[-R|--name-resolve NAME-RESOLVE-ORDER]
[-O|--socket-options SOCKETOPTIONS] [-n|--netbiosname NETBIOSNAME]
[-W|--workgroup WORKGROUP] [--realm=REALM] [-i|--scope SCOPE]
[-m|--maxprotocol MAXPROTOCOL] [-U|--user [DOMAIN\]USERNAME[%PASSWORD]]
[-N|--no-pass] [--password=STRING] [-A|--authentication-file FILE]
[-S|--signing on|off|required] [-P|--machine-pass]
[--simple-bind-dn=STRING] [-k|--kerberos STRING]
[--use-security-mechanisms=STRING] [-V|--version] [--namespace=STRING]
//host query
UPDATE: I finally resolved the issue by removing all single and double quotes from the query parameters. The reason for that is the fact that they are added automatically by the compiler.
I finally resolved the issue by removing all single and double quotes from the query parameters. The reason for that is the fact that they are added automatically by the compiler.