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How to retrieve user email from username in PowerShell for TFS?

I am using TFS IIdentityManagementService2 in powershell to get User details of a user object (Assigned To / Created By field). I am able to get User Unique name like Domain\username. How do I get email id of the user now?


  • You could use the GetProperty method on your TeamFoundationIdentity object with the "Mail" key:


    A sample code for your reference:

    private static readonly Func<TeamFoundationIdentity, string> _emailSelector =
                identity =>
                    object value;
                    if (identity.TryGetProperty("ConfirmedNotificationAddress", out value) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)value))
                        return (string) value;
                    return (string) identity.GetProperty("Mail");

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