I am using following packages for multi-languages solutions.
var i18next = require('i18next');
var i18nFsBackend = require('i18next-node-fs-backend');
var i18nMiddleware = require('i18next-express-middleware');
Since I am using handlebar as my nodejs template engine, that's I can not use i18next t('key') directly in the HTML. so I created a handlebar helper like following
var i18next = require('i18next');
handlebars.registerHelper('t', function(i18n_key) {
console.log(i18next.language)// always undefined, so i18next.t(i18n_key) always return default translation.
var result = i18next.t(i18n_key);
return new handlebars.SafeString(result);
However, the problem was the function is unable to detect language changed
var i18nextInitCallback = function(error, t){
handlebars.registerHelper('t', function(i18n_key) {
if(app.locals.language !== i18next.language){
var result = i18next.t(i18n_key);
return new handlebars.SafeString(result);
router.use(function(req, res, next){
res.locals.lng = req.language;
res.app.locals.language = req.language;
as you can see that on Route I assign res.app.locals.language = req.language; and then in the handlebar helper function, I use app.locals.language to get the current language and use i18next.changeLanguage() to change the language.
and it worked.
I would like to know if I am doing it right or not? or if there is a better solution
Using the handle function of the middleware:
app.use(middleware.handle(i18next, {
// options
res.language gets already set for you and a t function fixed to user language of that request.
see: https://github.com/i18next/i18next-express-middleware/blob/master/src/index.js#L48
check out the handlebars sample: https://github.com/i18next/i18next-express-middleware/tree/master/examples/basic-handlebars