I found the following method from http://algorithms.tutorialhorizon.com/dynamic-programming-subset-sum-problem/ which prints all the subsets in an array that sum to a certain number.
My code is full of print statements which I used to trace the recursive calls:
public static void find(int[] A, int currSum, int index, int sum,
int[] solution, int tot) {
if (currSum == sum) {
tot +=1;
System.out.println("\nSum found ");
for (int i = 0; i < solution.length; i++) {
if (solution[i] == 1) {
System.out.print(" " + A[i]);
} else if (index == A.length) {
System.out.println("reached end");
} else {
solution[index] = 1;// select the element
currSum += A[index];
System.out.println("incr " + A[index] + " "+ currSum + " ");
find(A, currSum, index + 1, sum, solution, tot);
currSum -= A[index];
System.out.println("decr " + A[index] + " "+ currSum + " ");
solution[index] = 0;// do not select the element
find(A, currSum, index + 1, sum, solution, tot);
I want to modify the method so that it also prints the final number of solutions in the end. I know this question has been discussed on Stackoverflow and I found some interesting solutions. Nevertheless, I want to find out whether there is a way to modify this particular method. My idea was to create an integer "tot" to which I add 1 as soon as I find a solution and then pass the updated value to every recursive call. But the final value will be found in one of the inner recursive calls and I don't know how to pass the final value to the outer methods.
If you want to get a solution count in recursive calls, best way would be to pass a mutable reference in each method call. As soon as you get a solution, update the mutable reference. Here, mutable reference is important because:
) will not maintain values across recursive calls.Solutions:
arrayBoth will be able to solve your problem. You should check for null
reference or length of array to make it less error prone. Samples given below:
private static void methodWithAtomicInteger(AtomicInteger i){
private static void methodWithIntArray(int[] i){
public static void main(String[] args){
AtomicInteger integer = new AtomicInteger(0);
int[] values = new int[]{0};