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what happened if there is no space in external storage and want to capture image using intent in android?

what happened if there is no space in external storage and want to capture image using MediaStore.ACTION_Image_CAPTURE intent in android ??

is the image will capture or will have crash or any thing will happen !!

because my app when capture image in samsung-dous when press ok to capture the image it reopen the camera again and again and again and don't back to activity , but in the other devices the app and camera work good

any one can help me please ,thanks for your time,


  • what happened if there is no space in external storage and want to capture image using MediaStore.ACTION_Image_CAPTURE intent in android ?

    That is up to the developers of the camera app that the user chooses to handle your Intent.

    If you are concerned about this, check for low disk space before starting the ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE activity.